Does a Birth Plan Help?
Does having a birth plan make a difference? Let’s explore some misconceptions surrounding birth plans and examine the potential benefits they can offer.
The Essential Role of Doulas in Supporting Pregnancy Nutrition and Exercise
Pregnancy is a time when taking care of oneself becomes top priority, not just for the expectant parent but also for the growing life within. Doulas are invaluable allies, offering guidance and support, particularly in the realms of nutrition and exercise.
Understanding the Difference Between Midwives and Doulas
While both professionals play essential roles in supporting pregnant individuals and their families, they have distinct roles and responsibilities.
The Pros & Cons of Home Birth, Hospital Birth, and Birth Centers
While hospitals have been the traditional modern setting, an increasing number of families are exploring alternatives such as home births and birth centers.
The Unseen Support: Why You Need a Doula for Your Scheduled C-Section
While many pregnant people associate doulas with unmedicated births, their support and expertise can be invaluable, even during scheduled C-sections.
Four Reasons to Consider Eating Your Placenta
The placenta, a temporary organ that nourishes and sustains the fetus during pregnancy, has been purported to offer a range of potential benefits when consumed post-birth.